Rubi Orozco Santos.jpg

peace and welcome

I am the granddaughter of Mexican janitors and migrant farmworkers who were also musicians and poets. I am a student of elders, poets, community organizers, and yoga practitioners in the US and Mexico. I follow in their steps, offering my skills to nourish heritage foodways and community wellness. My pronouns are she/they.

“Rubí is always exploring new ways to strengthen community-led change, share power, and increase our collective wellbeing. She puts in the time to build trust and respect in every relationship.”

- Cristina Dominguez & Krysten Aguilar, La Semilla Food Center

foodways & wordways


I am a poet, narrative writer, and environmental writer working at the intersection of food and language. I have studied public health and poetry in community and academic institutions, including UC Berkeley and UT El Paso and with elders Doña Vicenta Villalba Anaya of Morelos, Alfred Arteaga of California, and Maestro Patricio Hidalgo of Veracruz.

My writing supports the food sovereignty movement. As a storyteller, I work with my community to understand and practice traditional Mexican heritage foodways. We exchange seeds and knowledge, and cultivate our own relationship with the earth. Together, we learn and weave history, stories, poetry, songs, and wellness practices as part of cultural organizing across generations.

“Rubi invites us to nixtamalize our consciousness - to shed husks of ‘white scorn’ and myriad fears and blinders caused by capitalist exploitations - to unleash our inner wisdom, our ancestral communal power.” - Arnoldo Garcia



As someone healing from both intergenerational and personal trauma, I know what it is like to become dissociated from the body and have been drawn to practices that offer reconnection. Growing up, it was the smell of copal and hikes up the Tepozteco that offered glimpses of peace.

As a teen, I was introduced to yoga, a practice of personal and collective liberation. I honor its roots and receive ongoing instruction from the acharyas of Ananda Marga and cross-pollinate with additional schools and teachers. I specialize in restorative yoga.

"Rubi is such a gifted yoga instructor! We all felt like we had visited another planet of extreme rest in just a short hour. Most importantly, we all learned tools, simple poses, and exercises to help us stay balanced long after the session ended.” - Malini Ram Moraghan

I live in in the river valley and pre-Columbian migration and trade route currently known as the El Paso-Juarez, US-Mexico border. The Indigenous people of this land include the Tampachoa (Manso), Piro, and Suma, as well as the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo (Tigua).

My art practice, yoga practice, and academic training exist to uplift the wisdom and wellness of people and ecosystems healing from all forms of domination and usurpation, past and present, personal and systemic. I reject and work to undo superiority and inferiority complexes, particularly those rising from colonialism, patriarchy, and the delusion of white supremacy. We get to live and share space as part of this divine ecosystem. Coming into right relationship with each other and with the earth is critical for future generations.

“There is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” -Audre Lorde

There is no post-colonial literature in my mind because we’re still not post-colonial. And we’re still fighting colonialism.” - Allison Adelle Hedge Coke